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Crucifixion Day: In the Third Day, Three Days and Three Nights

Many in the churches of today have been drawn into the belief that Jesus Christ was crucified on what is called "Good Friday," the Friday before He rose from the grave before the breaking of day on Sunday. Indeed, the belief in a Friday crucifixion has become an established and unquestionable tradition in many circles of Christianity. Apparently, some in time past had studied the Scriptures and concluded that Friday must have been the day when the Lord of all gave Himself to pay the debt for all human violations throughout history. Many would say that the actual day of the crucifixion is not important, and that the only thing which is important is that He died to reconcile a lost humanity to Himself. Certainly, no created being or entity could even begin to pay this debt to God, and Christ's death, the death of the very Son of God, fully satisfied God's righteous requirement. So, to many, the day of His death does not matter, but if God revealed that day, then He intended humans to know and represent it accurately. His Spirit confirms all truth, and He does not confirm that which is not true; thus, He confirms this aspect of the crucifixion when it is represented as having occurred on the day which He actually revealed.

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