Faith Based Ministry
The SET team does not require a set amount to come to your ministry. We are fine with whatever you can give and we mean that! We really do want to live by faith in this area just as much as in other areas. For those who would like a ball park figure please see our What To Expect Page
The SET team, the Setzers and the O’Haras, are two individual ministries that raise individual support and do not rely solely on an income through SET Foundation Ministries. The Setzers have approximately 40% of their needs met by churches and individuals while the rest of their income is by faith through various love offerings. The O'Haras are currently in the process of raising support for their ministry. The LORD has supplied their needs through MANY different ways!

About Us
SET Foundation Ministries is an evangelistic apologetics outreach ministry that serves churches, schools, and individuals by offering programs and resources that uphold the authority of Scripture from the very first verse. SET uses evidences and true science to Strengthen believers, Engage unbelievers, and Train others in creation apologetics and a Biblical worldview. The SET team works to restore the foundation of creation in our land and around the globe.
Strengthening Believers
The S in SET stands for Strengthening Believers. We seek to strengthen believers in the foundation of Scripture by using evidences such as archeology, history, science, and the Biblical languages.
Engage Unbelievers
The E in SET stands for Engaging Unbelievers. As Christians, we will be approached by unbelievers through every part of life. We must be able to engage them and give them an answer to the questions they have.
Train Others
The T in Set stands for Training Others. Just as we train in every area of life, we are to train ourselves and others in the Scriptures that we may be able to "rightly divide the word of truth."

Foundation Focus Week
Foundation Focus Week is a program created by the team at SET designed to teach a Biblical foundation so that we may learn to give an accurate Biblical answer to the questions that we are confronted with as Christians. FFW incorporates team competition with learning about the design of the Creator from the very beginning.
Programs are flexible using your choice of one of our 5 themes, and ranges from 1 – 3 day events at your church, school, or other ministry.
FFW can be geared for several types of different events such as: a church conference, youth rallies, special Sundays, or as a school function.
Not only does SET Foundation Ministries conduct conferences, revival meetings, Foundation Focus weeks, and special Sundays, we also provided creation resources such as articles and links to many other apologetic websites to help minister and edify.
We are working on creating our own new apologetics based curriculum for homeschoolers and Christian schools.
"Setting Minds" Podcast
"Setting Minds" is our podcast series where the SET team will answer tough questions, study the foundation, and regularly feature special guests.
We post all new episodes on Thursdays at 10 am.
To watch it on Youtube click here.
To watch on Rumble click here.
To listen on Spotify click here.
To listen on Apple Podcast click here.